Monday, May 30, 2016

Why this blog

Almost every one of us would have experienced an "Ever Since" moment in life. Being able to journal and share those moments of realisation may solidify the memory and make those experiences count for others too.

So, here I'm gonna share such moments good or bad, happy or sad, intelligent or foolish or whatever.. :) not only about life experiences but also will also about professional, social and many other aspects of life.

Am an Android developer by profession, continuous learner by passion, a girl by birth :)

Here is the moment where i decided i should write a blog:

Today in my work i was facing an issue while working on Android listview. What i though as an effortless half an work turned out to be a confusing 4hrs work wherein fixing one bug built another bug :-p

For me to be able to get the clear picture of the problem i had to write it down and understand it completely. That's when I got to know many things about the stuff I'm working on . This morning iIhad a thought that the work I'm doing is not challenging enough. But these 4 hrs told me that I haven't learnt all of it.

Being a passionate learner i want to learn the most out of what I'm doing. That's when i realised one learns the best when they teach or explain to others.Then i thought ill maintain a journal notebook to record about all the new stuffs that i come across but presenting it online is beneficial in two ways
  • First, I'll be able to contribute some value to the society from which i get all my needs. It gives me immense satisfaction when i give back. Many developers had spent lots of time answering in SO, contributing in Opensource, even many such blogs. Because of all these, many of us have saved a hell lot of time. Hope the bits and pieces that i share here will save someone's time :)
  • Second, it gives me a virtual online presence to connect and touch many lives :)
Hope to keep this blog on for a long time

Thanks for joining guys :)